D7 Tenboche - Dinboche
Day 7 - 5.10.22 Tenboche (12,464ft) to Dingboche (13,840ft)
Rains were unrelenting, and neither were we. The weather was getting colder but manageable. Thermals were still tucked in. Shiva and I decided to go for an early morning bird-watching session. Up by 5:30 am , we peeped outside the tea-house, completely misty outside. Yet , we decided to venture out. The beautiful bird calls were inviting us. We spotted a few robins, sparrows and some tiny birds. They were too swift to be captured by our cameras. I framed those in my mind :) Soon , varuna baghwan also started competing with the chirpies and we had to head back. A sweet chirpy start to the day!
The landscape just transformed into a visual treat with beautiful valleys laden with bright flowers from orangish - yellowish - reddish -...issh flowers. The contrasting greyish rocks in between due to landslides constantly reminded me of the fragile ecosystem. These higher altitudes were also home to the yaks, grazing happily on the fresh green pastures. The cold blowing winds made our trek tougher and I became like a red-beaked parakeet. Hydration was crucial for parched throats. A pit stop at Panboche helped us to relieve ourselves and reload our tummies for the next few hours before lunch.
We treated our craving taste buds with the spicy Thakkali thokku that trekked with me ;) Bottle Gaali! By now, we were all accustomed to the tougher part of the day- the post -lunch session. The valleys gave way to a mountainous terrain strewn with huge boulders. We became more vigilant and stayed closer to each other. Glacier rivers were cutting through the boulders in full force. Bridge crossing had become a cakewalk for all, this one was across the confluence of two rapidly flowing rivers. Our destination was lurking behind these rivers. A steep climb across the boulders to get to Dinboche. The destination didn't seem nearby. We slogged our way, yet reached earlier than the scheduled time. Yippieee !!! Temperature : 4 deg - warmers ON
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