My Kids...Vakul & Vallabh

Growing naughtier day-by-day,not a single hour passes without a cry,fall,or a fight between the two.When they were born,I thought they would be easier to manage as they grow up.But now its vice-versa.Things are growing more complex.More adamant,more mischievous,more troublesome,its only more & more ....

All of their naughty activities are accompanied by lots of sweet things to enjoy & ponder over.Right now,they are in a stage where they can understand almost everything we say.They don't wanna stay inside the house.Wait 4 the door to open & run out.Climbing up & down the sofa is their favorite activity.They r crazy about switches.We ve tried to block most of them but in vain.

I ve taught them to say 'SORRY'.How???Hold both ur ears with ur hands,sit down & stand up(YES,the typical Pillayar Thoopukaram).They are very well aware of their mistake & say sorry in a very cute way with all smiles.How can ever even think to punish these ppl.I dono how to make them realize about their wrong action??

It was indeed a pleasant surprise to watch Vakul feeding Vallabh , sharing his food.Who teaches them all these???Isn't He directing his Creation in a wonderful manner.The birth & growth of a baby is an excellent example of the existence of some Supreme Power.Looking at this, even an atheist will start accepting the Invisible & the Invincible.

Alas, a small cuddle & sweet kiss makes u forget everything.


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