
April 22nd is celebrated as World Earth Day.There are different types of days that are being observed.World Environment Day,World House Sparrow Day,World Water Day and so on.I think the ultimate motive behind dedicating one day in a year for each cause is the same.Save Earth,save water, save our environment,etc.

Do we really need a day for each of these?How responsible are we towards our society and surroundings.All of us want our house to be neat & clean.But how many of us intend to keep our street clean.We don't even bother to throw the garbage in the dustbin provided.

50-60 years back were there so many celebrations.I doubt.People were much healthier,ate pure food, unpolluted air & water.They lead a luxurious life(Good health).Now, with so many advancements in science & technology we are only spared with new diseases, unclean environment ,no pure water to drink,virus in the air, so on & so forth.

At least,these celebrations will create awareness amongst us.Will make us realize that we also have duties outside home/office.
---Let us minimise the usage of plastic bags(carry a jute/cotton bag to buy
---Use less water to wash clothes/vessels.
---Close the tap properly & plug in leaks in our taps.
---Try to have a kitchen garden which will attract a few birds & insects.

After all it is in our hands to Save our EARTH!!!!Start right now!!


rangarajan said…
Good one. give me jute bag when i go out :)

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