
Vakul and Vallabh recently celebrated their 2nd birthday.It was party time for kids.It was a small celebration with my apartment friends and kids as invitees.Decorations were as usual, balloons, ribbons and lights.Cake, samosas, chips, juice, lollipops, mini jamuns were the delicacies. Generally, kids enjoy the fun and party.It has become a routine for them.They attend more parties, than I have in my 26 yrs.Birthday parties almost all round the year.In an apartment of 80 flats, there are nearly 30-35 kids.All friends with each other, despite dooos & kaaas.Kids are accustomed to taking gifts and return gifts.
There were a group of boys discussing about birthday parties and gifts.There was a kid saying "I have this(gift) already".This struck a chord in my mind.I was a bit disturbed.The first question that arose in my mind was "are we raising responsible kids?" .I feel, our kids have abundance of anything and everything.We don't shun any of their request.Be it food or toys or clothes or shoes.We do not think twice.Always want our beloved family to be happy by fulfilling the needs.But...
Are we ourselves ignorant of our society?Why don't we celebrate functions/festivals in orphanage or needy home,distribute gifts to the needy. Isn't it our duty to make our kids realize that they are leading a luxurious life and tell them about the have's and have-not's ? We are taking our kids to movies and parks, why don't we visit these places which are in dire need.They need our helping hands to meet even their daily needs.We need to instill a sense of charity in these young minds.
 There Is Joy In Giving !!


Unknown said…
:-) Really really a nice blog and nice thought, i loved it. Many parents are ignorant as u said, even i may be 1 of them when i become a parent. I forgot my social responsibility last 2 years, U reminded me again Thanx . . .
rangarajan said…
Let us start the practice of celebrating the birthday in orphanage from next year
Ramya said…
Nice thoughts.It is a very good practice that all responsible adults can do. Except for this yr, I started this practice on my bday as well when i started working. There is always a sense of fulfillment when you do this.

I believe that you can do ur bit of charity from ur side as well.For now the kids can njoy their bdays just like this one :)
Now is the age when they njoy the fun n this always lingers in their minds even when they grow up.So let them have the fun.
They need to become a little more big , say around 6-9 yrs when they can start understanding what we are doing. I guess at that time they will be more mature to accept and also spread the wonderful message of 'JOY OF GIVING'. Until that you can always do the donations from behind the scenes. This is my perspective!!
Vasudha said…
hmmm.. i second u.probably im putting the blame on my kids for my lackadaisical effort.

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