
Showing posts from May, 2019

Greedy Life in the Misty Mountains

Happy Holidays!  I wish my students and  co-teachers. A welcome break to mend my sore and squeaky throats. Time for a noisy get-to-gether (BTW ,my family is a noisy one!), a get- away from the scotching heat adds spice to the vacation.This time, Ranga, our tour operator finalizes upon Shillong and it's nearby places. 27th April 2019 Morning rush to work is a routine.But to the airport ?? "Yes" , today is no different. The phone rings  at 3.07 am. Its Aravind - " Hey, we are leaving for the airport.Where are you ? " and hangs the phone. Omg ! That's when we realize we overslept  and the missed the alarm(which was apparently set for 2 am the next day) , by the tour operator.Our adventure begins here. We dash into the bathroom, then grab the luggage  and sprint to cab with the shoes in hand within 10mins. Phew!! Our adrenaline returns back to normal. Chennai Airport welcomes us with excited chatter-boxes, groggy faces , first-time flyers, bubbly...