The Secret - Rhonda Byrne This is the first time, am a writing review about a book "The Secret by Rhonda Byrne" . One of my friends suggested reading this book.So whats great about The Secret.Its an inspirational,self-motivating book.The book helps you transform your 'thoughts into things'. Yes, our thoughts are the back bone of our life.You think good, good comes back to you, You think bad, bad returns to you. Our life is determined by the thoughts we have had in our mind, knowingly or unknowingly, in some point of time.Here are a few excerpts from the book as is. Law Of Attraction - "Like Attracts Like" Nothing comes into existence from the outside, and that everything first comes from thinking and feeling it on the inside. Your mind is the creative power of all things. The essence of this law of attraction is that you must think abundance,see abundance, feel abundance, believe abundance.Let no thought of limitation ente...
Showing posts from December, 2010